Well, hello there.

My name is Diederik Eenschooten and I am a Front-end developer based in the Netherlands, currently working as a consultant at HeadFWD.

I'm a developer with a passion for design and UX. I enjoy bringing concepts together and give the user the best experience possible, to make your product an success.

If you're interested, you can scroll down to my most recent work experience. If you have any questions, or wondering if I'm available, you can always drop me a message 🤞.

Diederik Eenschooten profile photo


Here are my most recent work experiences, I think are relevant for you. But then again, if you have any other questions, you can reach out to me.


As part of HeadFWD I get projects from a wide range of projects. I'll describe the projects I've done down below.

  • Brunel (current)

    Brunel is a huge job platform, located with offices all over the world. At Brunel we're currently building a completely new intranet for users that have applied for jobs through Brunel. In there they'll be able to track all of their tasks like registering hours, meetings etc.

    • Typescript
    • Webcomponents
    • Lerna
    • NextJS
    • React Query
    • JSS
    • SiteCore
  • Leenbakker

    Leenbakker is one of the biggest furniture retailers in the Netherlands. After they've acquired a different company it was time to improve the website. As part of the team I was responsible for fine tuning the website. I've implemented analytics, resolved major bugs and was able to improve the performance.

    • Typescript
    • NextJS
    • React Query
    • Google Analytics

Stream Elements

Stream Elements is a company that wants to bring fame and fortune to streamers. They have a wide range of tools to help up and coming streamers to give them exactly that

During my time at StreamElements I worked on the Youtube product. Creating an dashboard with all the stats you want to see as a streamer. My role was to create new features like Dynamic Thumbnails, bulk editing / publishing and add integrations for the dynamic video descriptions.

  • CRA
  • Typescript
  • RecoilJS
  • GraphQL


Secfi's focus is on educating start up employees about their stock options. Through their dashboard they educate the user on exit strategies, tax information and clean profit.

Within Secfi I was part of team Ramen. We were constantly refining our on-boarding process so new users can have the best experience from the very start. In addition, we create intuitive tools that ensure our clients have the necessary information to make decisions about their equity.

  • CRA
  • Typescript
  • mobx
  • GraphQL

Something about me...

So you might want to get to know me a bit more personal huh.. I'm a 29 year old front-end developer. Way way way back, I studied interaction design, but through my internships I found out I had more passion for development.

Some professional background

During my agency career I've had the honor (and they had the honor to work with me) to work with some amazing brands. For example Makelaarsland, Green Village and Emerce.

Now a days I work mostly in React (NextJS) and CSS modules. I also do CSS in JS, fetch data in anyway you want (GraphQL, REST), but honestly a simple wrapper around fetch will do for me.

Besides Front-end I also play around with some back-end and stuff, NodeJS mostly, I am after all, a Javascript Developer. At this moment creating an app to keep track of my fitness journey. Making this in NextJS, Postgress, Prisma and Firebase. Interested in checking it out once it's done? Just drop me an email and I'll make sure you'll be one of the beta testers. 👍

But, what do I do in my free time?

When I do have some free time, you can probably find me at the gym. You know, all that sitting and stuff, its nice to get some movement in as well. Besides that I have a huge passion for watches, vintage or new, doesn't matter to me, but it combines two hobbies of mine, design and development.

I do have a race bike, which I probably could use more, but it's still beautiful to look at I guess. I run, not for a specific reason, but it is a nice way to clear my head and stay fit. Then there is my little dog Ziggy, who needs a shit ton of attention so that keeps me busy during the day as well.

Ha, you're still here

While you're still here, if you're interested I'll copy and paste my connect button here.

We can also connect on social media. Here is my LinkedIn and here is my Github. It won't have to much activity as the projects I work on are private repos. If you wanna stalk my private life, you can checkout my Instagram.